An animated series of educational training videos for FA Davis Company, used as support material in Davis Advantage. They are part of an interactive assessment tool to help illustrate key topics and concepts in Pathophysiology. The tool is used with reference to college level textbooks and course materials.

Because I am limited to what I can show, I've created several GIF animations highlighting some scenes from each video I created. There are 25/50 videos total that our group took on from start to finish; storyboarding, designing the graphics/ illustrations, video animation, and adding music/ SFX where appropriate. I am credited to 8/25 videos in this series.


Production - Kates Media, Inc.
Animation, Design, Illustration & Editing - Michael Adamo, Geoffrey Beatty, Lindsey Butler
Storyboarding & Illustration - Terry Laban
Music/ SFX - audioblocks

Special thanks to all involved, it was a great experience working with you all!

Video Topics
Cell Injury
Cerebrovascular Disease
Degenerative Musculoskeletal Disorders
Endocrine Pathologies
Hypersensitivities Autoimmune
Inflammation and Wound Healing
Ischemic Heart Disease
Obstructive Pulmonary Disorders
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