Official Film Trailer created by Tim Fryett
Portraits of Professional Caregivers: Their Passion. Their Pain. is a feature-length documentary film that focuses on various professional care providers who rescue, assist, and help to heal the injured and traumatized. The film takes viewers into a world the public rarely sees, depicting emotional costs experienced by professional care providers and probing the emotional consequences of professional public service. The film was released in 2017 and is used for educational learning and training purposes.

On this film, my responsibilities included animation, assistant editing and graphic design. I was tasked with creating animated graphics and title cards, developing visual story narrative scenes/ environments during interview segments, assisting with film assembly and editing, designing promotional advertisements for events/ presentations, event photography and providing collaborative feedback on creative direction.


Editing Samples - Video Shorts
Teachers - Rasheida Peay, MED - Teacher
Police Officers - Charles H. Ramsey - Commissioner (retired) - Philadelphia Police Department
Social Workers/ Child Welfare - Cynthia Shirley, MSW, LSW - Social Worker - Trainer
Promotional Design Samples
Alternative Film Poster

Promotional card hand-out

DVD/ Blu-Ray case design

Promotional card mailer

Poster design created for an American Medical Association presentation

Official Film Credits

Directed by: Vic Compher
Producers: Vic Compher & Rodney Whittenberg
CinematographersTim Fryett & Jon Olshefski
EditorTim Fryett
Animator, Assistant Editor, Designer: Michael Adamo
Musical Score: Rodney Whittenberg (Melodyvision)

Official Film Poster - Created by Klover Communications

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